The World Bank has sounded the alarm in the energy sector, the organization has described the losses in the energy sector as a threat to the economy.
The World Bank said in its report that if energy reforms are not done, electricity will have to become more expensive, and the poor will have to be protected from the rising electricity rates.
While the ongoing report by the institution stated that the electricity debt has reached 2.4 percent of the GDP, the revolving debt of the power sector has reached 2635 billion rupees by January 2024.
Expressing concern, the organization has described the losses in the energy sector as a threat to the economy.
While the report states that the circular debt in the gas sector has reached 2866 billion rupees, the debt of the gas sector has reached 2.7 percent of the economy.
The World Bank is helping to reduce transmission losses in the energy sector.
Timely receipts of the energy sector must be improved by the Government of Pakistan, government losses in energy, infrastructure and communication are continuously increasing.
Losses in the power sector are mainly due to pilferage, transmission and distribution, old infrastructure, delays in revision of consumer tariffs, increased losses, increased electricity prices in the current financial year, helping to limit losses. Got it.
#World #Bank #sounds #alarm #energy #sector #Business #Economy
2024-04-18 23:00:45