What exercises to do to lose belly fat?
Got a little belly but can’t get it to go away? Don’t worry, several exercises can be put in place to eradicate it (not to mention a healthy and balanced diet)! Indeed, it is possible to train from home or at the gym, and work to lose weight, especially the belly.
One of the very effective ways is to work with intensity. It can be by doing cardio or performing long reps. Click on this gallery and discover these exercises to put in place in your sports routine to say goodbye to your little persistent bulge. Over to you summer body!
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Perfect for also working on your cardio, this exercise consists of going from a standing position to a plank and straightening up once more.
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Intensity is the key to this exercise which is very effective in melting belly fat. Burpees work a wide range of muscles and just one minute is enough to leave you breathless.
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Mountain climbers
Just like burpees, this exercise is excellent because it works several muscles at the same time, intensely soliciting the abdominal belt.
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Mountain climbers
Get into plank position, arms outstretched, and take turns bringing your knees to your chest. By practicing this movement with regularity, the muscles of your stomach will be toned and defined.
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Turkish get-up
This requires hardware. Get a weight with a handle for better support. It allows you to work the whole body and is perfect for getting rid of stubborn fat.
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Turkish get-up
Very specific, best to do accompanied by a professional to ensure you have the correct posture. It would be a shame to hurt you.
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medicine ball right to left
This exercise allows you to work the obliques, by making rotary movements from left to right then from right to left, holding a medicine ball (weighted ball) in your hands, arms outstretched.
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medicine ball right to left
Dynamic, you will be able to work several muscles at the same time thanks to this exercise.
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Medicine ball above the head
This exercise is relatively old. You will certainly be able to see it practiced in the saga “Rocky” with Sylvester Stallone.
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Medicine ball above the head
To get the most fat-burning benefits from this exercise, approach it as an endurance exercise: do high reps in sets for a few minutes (or whatever you can handle). It involves bouncing the ball on the ground, starting from above your head.
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Russian twists
This is a core exercise that improves oblique strength and definition.
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Russian twists
Sit on the floor, take your legs off the ground (or not), and pass a medicine ball from left to right, contracting your abs well.
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Board with BOSU
A BOSU is an exercise instrument consisting of a soft, inflatable half-ball, which will make all sports sessions a little more difficult. The goal here is to maintain balance, arms and legs straight. Finding balance means working a whole bunch of little muscles that we wouldn’t normally do.
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Board with BOSU
This is because when your body tries to find control of its balance, your abs, back and arm muscles are activated, which helps to increase your metabolism.
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Run uphill
Running on an incline instead of a flat surface has been shown to increase total calorie expenditure by 50%!
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Run uphill
This can be done outdoors or on a treadmill. Your heart rate increases, allowing you to burn fat.
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This multi-muscle exercise is also great for burning fat.
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You will be able to work your glutes, hamstrings, back, shoulders, arms, core, and just regarding every other major muscle group.
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High intensity interval training
This type of training combines many exercises and usually has very few breaks so that the heart rate remains elevated.
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High intensity interval training
By performing high-intensity exercise, your body will continue to burn calories long following you stop exercising, making it more efficient at burning fat.
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This is another very suitable exercise for fat loss.
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Although we usually associate weightlifting with bulking and gaining weight rather than weightlossthe opposite is true with proper diet.
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And yes, we repeat it over and over once more, but walking is a great exercise to stay in shape, especially for older people. It allows you to be active with a low impact.
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Walking for 45 to 60 minutes each day can do wonders for your metabolism. However, prefer brisk walking.
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In addition to giving you more flexibility, yoga will also make you stronger and allow you to calm your mind.
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The difficulty can be adjusted so that even the most seasoned athletes can break a sweat during yoga class.
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Boxing training is fantastic for burning fat and getting people in shape. This is why boxing classes (which are high-intensity interval training classes) have become so popular in recent years. This is a full body workout, and the workout itself usually involves many different activities, like core work and jump rope.
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This sport can be practiced both indoors and outdoors. Find the rhythm that suits you so as not to be demotivated by the difficulty and to maintain the practice over time.
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Do you often see swimmers with bellies? And yes, it is not very common since this activity allows a great work of the abdominal belt.
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You can choose the swim that suits you or vary the pleasures, because all forms of swimming work the main muscle groups of the body, circulate the blood and burn fat.
Also discover: Sport : exercise at home
Sources: (Men’s Health)
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