Elly Schlein meditates, and when she concentrates on her thoughts, it means that it will still take days to come out with a meaningful decision, not the usual babbling. The problem is that everything around her is upside down, a sort of civil “war” is raging in the Democratic Party, all once morest all. The hated and in some ways blessed currents (“Alice” is not an extraterrestrial, she won the primaries thanks also to her dem cliques) have made a pact of tacit collaboration to reduce her “her” displays of ingenuity. Therefore Bettini, Orlando, Franceschini and Guerini will campaign only for their candidates, excluding the list leaders, imposed by Elly, from the preferences. A way like any other to remind you how much fireplaces still matter in the Democratic Party. Nicola Zingaretti is excluded from the pact of the “caciques”, guilty of having got too close to the “ET” which descended on the Nazarene. It is true that the former president of the Lazio Region, even with the microphones turned off, was the first to dump her a year ago, “with this we don’t even get 17%”. But then Nicola, also awarded the presidency of the Demo foundation, changed his mind: it was better for him to get closer to Elly. Who immediately reciprocated by hypothesizing for him the role of head of delegation in Brussels.

With the currents going crazy, Elly goes haywire. Go for the final assault, risky though, or find a point of balance? The problem is that in the Democratic Party everything transforms. For example, in the South, the secretary of the Democratic Party thought she had had a brilliant idea: Lucia Annunziata as the head of the list. And what she does with the evil Rai journalist, she goes to ask for votes from the only one who can guarantee her a lot of preferences. Too bad it’s Vincenzo De Luca, the “king” of the caciques who was immediately targeted by Elly and the ‘Coro boys’. «Politics is too complicated for the Alice who governs from the Nazarene», pronounce the “know-it-alls” who live in the parliamentary bouvettes, busy counting themselves in the preferences and reporting new arrivals, for example that of Matteo Ricci, mayor of Pesaro (and candidate for the Europeans in the Central constituency) teamed up by Bettini and Morassut. Which Bettini works belly to the ground, to mend the tear with his old friend, Giuseppe Conte. And in Bari, also thanks to the centre-right’s choice to converge on Northern League member Fabio Romito, the search for a third candidate, with the step backwards of Vito Leccese and Michele Laforgia, becomes insistent. Carofiglio? Maybe, Bettini dreams.

The list for the European Championships, to avoid any misunderstanding, is not closed, the meeting of the management that should approve it is still at a standstill. The “civics” alerted by Elly, however, are trembling on the sidelines, Annalisa Corrado for example, dreamed of being at the top of the list in the North on “Un giorno da pecora”, «The party will decide». Intense work behind the scenes, and a lot of stress, however for Marco Tarquinio, the former director of Avvenire, a sort of “white” Santoro, busy building his transversal network, with Francesco Rutelli, Andrea Orlando and Graziano Delrio, with the supervision of Marco Damilano. Meanwhile, there should soon be a new meeting with Stefano Bonaccini, the two were both in Suviana yesterday at the site of the tragedy. Elly needs to reduce the clash with the M5S, at least on the administrative front. So in addition to the possibility at play in Bari, Florence is also included, where in the end Sara Funaro might expand her majority as happened in nearby Prato. Which then always ends up on Antonello Venditti: «Certain loves make immense turns and then return».

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#war #currents #Time
2024-04-11 22:11:33