Vicente Fernández, Mauricio Leal, and other celebrities who died in 2021

Vicente Fernández, Mauricio Leal, and other celebrities who died in 2021


The entertainment world experienced a period of profound grief last year. Numerous celebrated figures, both domestically and internationally, passed away unexpectedly.

2021 claimed the lives of many prominent personalities. Their families, companions, and admirers continue to lament their absence. Let us pause to commemorate their legacies and acknowledge their substantial contributions to the world of entertainment.

Carlos ‘the fat’ Benjumea

On May 13th, at the age of 80, the actor renowned for his roles in The law of the heart, Until silver do us part, and other productions, departed this life. He dedicated 50 years to cinema, television, and theater, securing his place as a beloved national figure.

Carlos "El Gordo" Benjumea, besides acting, was a theater director, producer, and comedian.

Provided by El Espectador
Carlos “El Gordo” Benjumea, a multifaceted talent, excelled as an actor, theater director, producer, and comedian.

Manuel Pachon

A pioneering figure in Colombian television, he passed away in February at 84 years of age. He“`html

Manuel Pachón in November 2020, during an interview with the program

Caracol Television
Manuel Pachón, featured in a November 2020 interview on Caracol Televisión’s “La red”.

Alí Humar’s Passing

In June, the renowned actor and film director, Alí Humar, passed away. His death was attributed to cardiorespiratory failure, a complication stemming from a severe lung ailment exacerbated by COVID-19. His illustrious career spanned over five decades in the performing arts. At the time of his death, Humar was 76 years old; he had served as the director of Happy Saturdays for nearly two decades.

Actor Alí Humar dies of a lung disease

Diego León Ospina's rise to fame as Cusumbo at age 10

© Social networks
Diego León Ospina’s fame began at age 10 as Cusumbo

Diego Leon Ospina

The acclaimed performer, who succumbed to Covid-19, was just a decade old when he took on a pivotal role in the series Cusumbo, portraying a street child who imparted uplifting lessons to those around him. Mirroring Alí Humar’s fate, Ospina was recently admitted to the Santa Fe Foundation due to complications arising from the virus.

Mauricio Leal

On November 22nd, hairstylist Mauricio Leal and his mother, Marleny Hernández, were discovered lifeless in their La Calera residence. Prosecutors’ investigations indicate a double murder. Numerous well-known personalities, including Andrea Serna, Carolina Cruz, Laura Acuña, Andrea Tovar, and Fanny Lu, offered heartfelt tributes.

Mauricio Leal and Shaira

A poignant WhatsApp exchange: Mauricio Leal and Shaira’s final communication.

Vicente Fernández

Following an extended stay at the Country 2000 Clinic, stemming from a serious fall at his ‘Los tres potrillos’ ranch which impacted his respiratory system, the renowned “Charro de Huentitán” passed away on December 12, 2021.

The Mexican artist during a concert, on April 16, 2016, at the Azteca stadium in Mexico City, Mexico.

Image courtesy of El Espectador
The Mexican artist performing at a concert.

Rachel Ércole

In December, actress Patricia Ércole‘s mother passed away at 81. The celebrated actress was known for roles in Secret passions, The stone angel, The devil’s hoof, The authentic Rodrigo Leal

Patricia Ércole const lazyloadRunObserver = () => { const lazyloadBackgrounds = document.querySelectorAll( `.e-con.e-parent:not(.e-lazyloaded)` ); const lazyloadBackgroundObserver = new IntersectionObserver( ( entries ) => { entries.forEach( ( entry ) => { if ( entry.isIntersecting ) { let lazyloadBackground =; if( lazyloadBackground ) { lazyloadBackground.classList.add( 'e-lazyloaded' ); } lazyloadBackgroundObserver.unobserve( ); } }); }, { rootMargin: '200px 0px 200px 0px' } ); lazyloadBackgrounds.forEach( ( lazyloadBackground ) => { lazyloadBackgroundObserver.observe( lazyloadBackground ); } ); }; const events = [ 'DOMContentLoaded', 'elementor/lazyload/observe', ]; events.forEach( ( event ) => { document.addEventListener( event, lazyloadRunObserver ); } );