Today’s Gold Price Stagnant, IDR 1,399 Million per Gram – 2024-07-14 08:49:43

Today’s Gold Price Stagnant, IDR 1,399 Million per Gram
 – 2024-07-14 08:49:43
emas antam. (MI/Usman Iskandar)

THE price of gold bars issued by PT Aneka Tambang or Antam on Sunday (14/7) was stagnant or the same as yesterday’s price of IDR 1,399,000 per gram.

Resale price (buyback) gold bars on Sunday were Rp. 1,266,000 per gram.

The selling price transaction is subject to tax deductions, in accordance with PMK No. 34/PMK.10/2017. Resale of gold bars to PT Antam Tbk with a nominal value of more than IDR 10 million is subject to PPh 22 of 1.5% for NPWP holders and 3% for non-NPWP. PPh 22 on transactions buyback deducted directly from the total value buyback.

The following are the prices of gold bullion fractions recorded at Antam Precious Metals on Sunday:

-Price of 0.5 grams of gold: Rp. 750,000
-Price of 1 gram of gold: Rp. 1,400,000
-Price of 2 grams of gold: Rp. 2,740,000
-Price of 5 grams of gold: Rp. 6,675,000
-Price of 10 grams of gold: Rp. 13,495,000
-Price of 25 grams of gold: Rp. 33,612,000
-Price of 50 grams of gold: Rp. 67,145,000
-Price of 100 grams of gold: Rp. 134,212,000
-Price of 250 grams of gold: Rp. 335,265,000
-Price of 500 grams of gold: Rp. 670,320,000
Price of 1,000 grams of gold: Rp. 1,340,600,000

Gold purchase price tax deductions according to PMK Number 34/PMK.10/2017, gold bullion purchases are subject to PPh 22 of 0.45% for NPWP holders and 0.9% for non-NPWP. Every gold bullion purchase is accompanied by proof of PPh 22 deductions. (P-5)

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