2023-07-13 15:39:37
Cleaning is health ! Really ? Admittedly, an intensive cleaning session is sometimes similar to a good sports session. But we would not go so far as to suspect that cleaning is good for morale and health. And yet…
Household and physical health
Tirelessly ironing shirts, washing windows… Between the repeated movements and the energy deployed, very often, domestic chores are akin to a real sports session! And we can easily imagine that scrubbing the tiles in the bathroom can be as effective as a good arm workout at the gym! But, we often ignore that getting busy with household chores can also be very good for moralemental health and general well-being…
Housework to combat stress and anxiety
Expel stress by putting only dust? It is possible and even scientifically proven! The impact of physical activity – to which a good cleaning session can be assimilated – on the reduction of stress and anxiety has been proven by numerous scientific studies; in a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Scottish scientists have found that cleaning for 20 minutes, vigorously, once a week, reduces stress and depression! Surprising? Not really so much as we know that perceiving a certain form of chaos can bring out a feeling of anxiety and that disorder can be a source of stress… From there to feed the received idea which wants that cleaning up helps to clean up your head … And it is not Marie Kondo who will say the opposite!
Increase your life expectancy by cleaning
Clean, sweep, polish… and live longer? A study conducted by University College London reveals that doing housework (or gardening) would have a direct impact on our life expectancy. As part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyAmerican researchers have observed that “people who walked around their house, did the dishes or swept the floor had a longer life expectancy than those who sat at their desk”according to Ezra Fishman, one of the main authors of the work.
Housework improves cognitive abilities
According to a study conducted by the Singapore Institute of Technology and published in the British Medical Journal, following 65, cleaning is good for your health. How do we know? After running a battery of tests and asking hundreds of questions to different individuals, the researchers observed that participants who cleaned regularly had better cognitive abilities (especially concerning memory and attention) than those who did it rarely. or not at all… For Science, this is partly explained by the fact that physical effort promotes better oxygenation of the brain, but also by the organization necessary to carry out household chores. According to the same study:
household chores (such as ironing, dusting…) would improve the abilities of the memory,
so-called heavy tasks (such as vacuuming or cleaning windows) improved concentration skills.
Good to know: the study does not show this link among those under 65!
Cleaning, a source of pleasure
Again, it looks like a macho logo from another time! However, like any physical activity, cleaning helps release endorphins. Emitted following 20 to 30 minutes of physical effort, endorphins will cause a feeling of relaxation, well-being… Indeed, endorphins act on several levels: they help to reduce feelings of pain, soothe the anxiety and stress or even promote falling asleep … or euphoria. And if the release of endorphin is a physical phenomenon, first felt by the body, it undoubtedly plays a positive role in morale!
Cleaning to boost your self-confidence
By clearing the way, we transform a messy or gloomy space… Of course, there is something to be proud of! By allowing visible results to be obtained, the fact of cleaning gives the satisfaction of the task accomplished, the pleasure of success… enough to boost your confidence in the evening!
Clean up to sleep better
There, it is not directly a question of the benefits of being active, but it remains intimately linked! A study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation claims that making your bed every morning increases the chances of sleeping well by 19%. The logical link? By tidying up your room and doing a bit of cleaning, you optimize your chances of sleeping better!
Household health hazards
Gone are the cleaning and household products with not really healthy ingredients, beware that domestic chores do not turn into an obsession! Extreme fear of contamination, withdrawal into oneself in order to indulge in one’s cleaning sessions… The specialists are unanimous: a healthy habit like cleaning can turn into a neurosis! If you plan to take advantage of the benefits of cleaning to soothe your mind and calm your anxiety, be careful not to develop a new OCD!
Not convinced yet? On social networks, the cleanfluencers – not stingy with household advice of all kinds – abound. Indeed, more than ever, cleaning has become a trend and the subject of viral videos…
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