The return of Enrique Ponce to the Fallas

The return of Enrique Ponce to the Fallas

Teacher Vicente Ruiz “El Soro” He walked alone inside the alley at 4:30 p.m. as if he sensed the anticipation of an followingnoon that had a great atmosphere on the streets. It was a celebration that marked the first “There are no bills” of the Fallas Fairfull to capacity Valencia bullring thanks to the pull it has Andrés Roca Rey.

But without a doubt, the great appearance of the followingnoon was that of Enrique Poncewho reappeared with his agent Juan Ruiz Palomares Jr. months following announcing that he will permanently retire from the arena next October 9 in a poster in which he will give the alternative to the young bullfighter from Algemesí, For Romeroand the bullfighter from Extremadura Alejandro Talavante will be a witness.

The Chiva right-hander returned to his place on the same day as his alternative anniversary, celebrated on March 16, 1990 with José Miguel Arroyo ‘Joselito’ godfather and l of witness. And so, Sebastian Castella He gave him the first bull of the followingnoon: «This toast is to wish you a happy birthday. You are a living legend of bullfighting and I am very happy that you are back,” the French bullfighter told him following offering him the montera.

Ponce sat on a shady bench and every subordinate who passed in front of him greeted him with admiration. Next to him was the businessman of the Valencia bullring, Rafael García Garrido; the manager of the same company, Victor Zabala de la Serna; the doctor Angel Martinfounder and director of Clínica Menorca who is a good friend of the businessmen of the Xàtiva street arena.

Vicente, Carmen Lomana and Enrique Ponce in the bullfight on March 16 in Valencia / Fernando Bustamante

A great representation of followers of Andrés Roca Rey They came to the square. One of them, Felipea Mexican friend of the Peruvian bullfighter, received a very special toast on the fifth of the followingnoon, the bull he King Rock He tore off his ear: «Brother, eight years later in the same square and with the same friendship as always. “He’s coming for you,” she told him.

The television was sitting next to him. Carmen Lomanaa fan of bulls and also of the Fallas since she was the major faller of the Alameda-Avenida de Francia commission in 2011. Also in the same row was the Valencian socialite and former PP councilor Mayren Beneyto and Marisa Marín de Monzonis, the who was the founder of the educational group Iale de l’Eliana.

One of the most emblematic players in the history of Valencia CF, Vicente Rodriguezand current institutional ambassador of the club, did not want to miss either King Rock.

The Valencian businessman and president of the Valencian Business Association (AVE) Vicente Boluda He was in his barrier of capes with fellow businessman Pedro Trapote, creator of Joy Eslava y Pachá and close friend of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I.

This followingnoon there are no more tickets left: King Rock bullfights alongside José María Manzanares y Alejandro Talavante to deal with the Jandilla iron run.

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