Egomanie eines Superstars
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In terms of sport, Djokovic’s pursuit of defending his title may be understandable. Morally, on the other hand, not at all
The unvaccinated Novak Djokovic absolutely wants to play at the Australian Open. A smack ball in the face for the Australians stricken by Corona. The tennis star is not a freedom fighter, but an egomaniac.
Wo it is possible that the name will now become the program: Australian Open, one of the four most important tournaments known to tennis. Starting on January 17th, the serving in Melbourne, and following the latest developments around Novak Djokovic, they might actually still be: open. Open to everyone and everyone.
What sounds nice, for most Australians, however, feels like a ball hit in the face. The games will take place in a country that has adopted a tough course during the pandemic. Families were separated for months and people mightn’t go back to their homes. After numerous lockdowns and foreclosure, at least those who have been vaccinated are allowed access once more. One can discuss the measures. However, it is particularly important for foreigners to respect the applicable law.
Djokovic decided once morest the corona vaccination. That too has to be accepted. The key difference: unlike many others, he does not bear the consequences. In its clear stance, the country has allowed small exceptions. For people for whom a serious illness makes vaccination impossible. A loophole that the model athlete took advantage of, with reference to a positive test in December. Possibly with success. A court upheld his objection to the denied entry on Monday.
Djokovic is not a freedom fighter
Djokovic wants to play tennis in Australia – so he treats himself to what many others are denied. To make matters worse, he also raised the matter to a political level. From the Balkans, dirt was thrown around half the globe and the trapped intruder was compared to Jesus: Novak, the freedom fighter. What nonsense.
His pursuit of defending his title is understandable from a sporting point of view. In 2021 he narrowly missed the greatest thing that can be achieved in tennis: the Grand Slam, winning all four major tournaments. 2022 should offer the 34-year-old his last chance. Morally, however, his actions are egomania.
If the start is so important, he should have paid the price for it: two vaccinations. No matter what happens now – the cancellation of his visa at the second attempt or running the gauntlet in front of angry fans at the Australian Open: he would have deserved both.