2023-11-27 11:01:41
Erste Bank Composition Prize, Young Music and Subnormal Europe at the Odeon, 20 bagpipes for the finale and much more
The last of five intensive festival weeks once once more celebrates the wonderful, contradictory variety of forms of new music – with the augmented instruments of the duo Nimikry at the Erste Bank Composition Prize 2023 in the Mozart Hall, literature and music at Break Eden by Clemens Gadenstätter and Lisa Spalt in the Alte Schmiede, a dance and concert program by Junge Musik and a large multimedia performance by the ZKM in the Odeon, the premiere of the improvisation trio Zaric / Harnik / Barrett in the Celeste, a photo exhibition, a listening room and concerts around ex-Yugoslav brutalist monumental sculptures in the echo room and finally an interpretation of Terry Riley’s minimal classic In C with Breton folk music instruments in the former Semperdepot. A total of 43 premieres and 22 first performances can be heard and discovered at 36 venues in 14 districts until the beginning of December.
Increasingly beautiful! This year will be the 35th Erste Bank Composition Prizeawarded, for the first time to a collective: under the duo name I hideare the two Viennese residents Alessandro Baticci and Rafał Zalech as composers and as developers of electronically augmented musical instruments together with Vienna Sound Forum at the premiere of her piece Rhizomatic Studies to see and hear. Previously experienced the trumpet concert by Vladimir Pantchev After 20 years, finally its premiere, and the double bass concerto commissioned by Wien Modern Rare earth von Chaya Czernowin is being brought to the stage in Austria for the first time – with one visible and four invisible double basses. Around the concert there will be the opportunity to try out the electronically augmented musical instruments from Nimikry, the relatively legendary winemakers behind our special one Wine Modern 2023 to get to know each other in person, and of course plenty of opportunity to exchange ideas at the traditional Erste Bank reception following the concert. (Tuesday 28.11.)
The project Young music is a collaboration between the International Society for New Music (IGNM) and the music schools of the city of Vienna. The aim of the concerts, workshops and lectures is to get young people (and their teachers) excited regarding current music. As far as possible, composers are also included in the concert preparations. The Young music is from Cordula Bösze (IGNM) and Holger Busch (music schools of the city of Vienna) are supervised organizationally. There is now a long-standing collaboration with the Wien Modern festival and, for several years now, with the mumok – museum modern art stiftung ludwig wien. In 2023, for the first time, the dance department of the music schools in the city of Vienna will be involved in the concert at the Odeon as part of Wien Modern, which had been planned since 2021 but might only be fleshed out this year. (Wednesday November 29th)

The text of Lisa Spalt and the music of Clemens Gadenstätter engage in Break Eden – the ambiguous title says it all – in the Alte Schmiede on Wednesday November 29th with the creation of Eden from the present, which means breaking and joining together in one. «The voice, with its finest nuances of sound and expression, is in an environment of condensed documentary sounds. She is both an imaginary portrait of a multitude of possible people and a possible person condensed in her feelings. As such, it resolves the question of society and the individual by representing both the scene and constant transformation in both. […] Finally, the pianist’s voices offer Ernst Surberg and the author Lisa Spalt in the performance a live intrusion of reality into the singer’s text design Anne Clare Hauf. What time is it? We have presence: we do what we can to cooperate in producing this Eden. As poles of the same, rupture and fusion cannot be separated.” (Lisa Spalt/Clemens Gadenstätter)
Shortly before the end of the festival, a spectacular international high-tech music theater production can be seen for the first time in Austria: the alto performs in a kind of 3D video game Noah Frenkel in the Odeon the path through an expansive audiovisual flood of data in order to recreate milestones in media history as perfectly as possible. What is real, what is a copy, what is a documentary, and what is sensory overload? A congenial production by the two composers, multimedia artists and performers Belenish Moreno-Gil and Oscar Escudero in collaboration with the ZKM and the Munich Biennale. (Subnormal Europe, Wednesday November 29th)
Elisabeth Harnik and Richard Barrett were on the for the first time in 2009 comprovise-Festival in Cologne together on stage, both as improvisation musicians and as composers. A little later, Harnik learned to be a Serbian harpist through Barrett Milana Zarić know. As a trio, they celebrate their premiere at Wien Modern and define the coordinates of the sound space between acoustic and electronic instruments that need to be processed artistically. Together with the electronics, the musicians create a kind of meta-instrument and together produce hybrid sound worlds that find their final form in real time. The concert at Celeste takes place as part of the free music forum concert series, whose curator team has included Elisabeth Harnik since 2022. (Thursday November 30th)

The echo chamber loads the label Inexhaustible Editions to a portrait with a photo exhibition including an opening concert, a 90-minute listening room with the label founder, curator and producer László Juhász (Saturday 02.12.) and a finissage concert (Tuesday 19.12.). «While the impressive, still enigmatic visuality of the abstract brutalist monuments of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been well documented in recent years, we know little regarding their sonic aspects. Most of these ‘spomeniks’ (in the original form in the plural – spomenici, which means memorials in the Serbo-Croatian and Slovenian languages, derived from the root ‘spomen’ for memory) have hollow parts that serve as resonance chambers.” (Lászlo Juhász) (Exhibition Inexhaustible Editions: Sounding Spomenik Friday 01.12. – Tuesday 19.12.)
It is one of the earliest and most impressive works of minimal music: In C von Terry Riley, premiered in 1964 at the Tape Music Center San Francisco to an audience of around 100, with Steve Reich, Jon Gibson, Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster and Morton Subotnick as part of the ensemble. 53 short motifs are repeated in turn by all members of the variable ensemble. This creates a complex overall structure from a single page of music. The Breton bagpipe player and ensemble leader takes on this almost 60-year-old psychedelic classic Erwan Keravec with an extraordinary line-up: 20 bagpipes, bombards and binioù create a freely accessible sound space in a minimalistic setting. At the end of Wien Modern, the celebrated production can be experienced for the first time outside of France in the studio house of the Academy of Fine Arts, the former Semperdepot. (Final concert Vienna Modern | In C // 20 Pipers Saturday 02.12.)
After last year’s successful trial balloon, Wie Modern’s dance-worthy closing party can be considered a tradition – it can happen that quickly in Vienna. Disclaimer: With press spokeswoman Kathi Wiesler aka Adriana Celentana and production assistant Clemens Rott aka DJ Armonia Experienced members of the festival team will also be at the turntables. Sigrid Raggam aka Top*S Missed in 2022 and will catch up this year. The Roxy is three years younger than Wien Modern and is new to the program this year, but that will be fine. (Party Modern: Vienna Modern Finale Saturday 02.12.)
Vienna Modern 36
This year, Wien Modern is taking place for the 36th time, lasting a month with a total of 91 events at 36 venues in 14 districts. The festival, initiated by Claudio Abbado in 1988, is the largest platform for inspiring encounters between artists and listeners of new music of all varieties, with 43 premieres and 22 first performances this year. With the festival pass (120 € / 96 € / 48 €), the volume discount (30% savings from four events) and free offers, the festival offers the opportunity to encounter the contemporary diversity of music. Wien Modern is made possible by the City of Vienna Culture and the Federal Ministry for Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport (BMKÖS), the festival sponsors Kapsch and Erste Bank, LSG, Pro Helvetia, the SKE of austro mechana, Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, AKM, and numerous co-production and cooperation partners.
Vienna Modern
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