2023-06-27 06:47:03
Shark attacks are not uncommon in the US state – now it caught an angler who was dragged into the water by a sea beast and mauled. An eyewitness captured the bloody drama on video.
Lemon sharks are not uncommon sights in the Florida Everglades. Image: picture-alliance/ dpa/dpaweb | Horst Pfeiffer
By news.de editor Claudia Löwe
27.06.2023 08:47
The Everglades National Park in Florida not only attracts nature lovers from all over the world, but is also a habitat for all kinds of animals that cannot always be described as tame. A young man who was out fishing in the Everglades in a boat and fell victim to a vicious shark had to experience first-hand that life-threatening creatures sometimes lurk in the swamps. The dramatic scenes were captured on video by an eyewitness and found their way onto social media.
Shark attack in Florida: Sea beast attacks anglers in fishing boat
The shocking incident was published on an Instagram account dedicated to the US state of Florida, which currently has 65,600 followers. However, the clip of the shark attack was not posted without a warning. The warning in the Instagram clip cannot be overlooked: the words “Please don’t make the same mistake and please keep your hands and feet in the boat at all times!” are emblazoned in large letters.
Fishing trip ends with shark attack: lemon shark bites into high-spirited boat occupants
Danny Aguirre and Michael Russo, the names of the two amateur anglers, went on a trip to the Everglades to fish there. Danny Aguirre had indeed made a capital catch, but when the young man was regarding to put the fish back in the water and rinse his hands, tragedy ensued. Michael Russo warned his fishing pal to stay out of the murky water, but Danny Aguirre dismissed the warning with the words “Oh, two seconds won’t hurt.” Moments later, it became clear that he had made a huge mistake when a lemon shark darted out of the water and bit into the young man’s right hand.
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Angler dragged into the water and mauled by a shark – rescue succeeds at the last minute
The underwater beast would not give up and tugged at its prey so violently that Danny Aguirre fell into the water screaming. With the last of his strength, the angler was able to get back into the boat, leaving dripping traces of blood. The fishing friends immediately made their way back to shore, where the injured man received first aid and was then taken to the hospital by helicopter. Nothing is known regarding Danny Aguirre’s condition, his friend only said he was receiving the best possible medical care following the shark attack.
Local concerned: Everglades in Florida invaded by sharks
For locals like Mike Venezia, who maneuvered the tour boat through the Everglades with Danny Aguirre and Michael Russo, such shark attacks are not uncommon. “I know of a dozen places where several lemon sharks lurk in the water,” said the boat captain. “We just can’t fish in these places anymore, it’s bad.” The shark that attacked Danny Aguirre was still a small specimen, several Venezia – sometimes the Everglades connoisseur encounters sharks that weigh more than 100 kilograms.
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