An Interview with Tribeca Film Festival’s Newest sensation

Interview with filmmaker in their office

Filmmaker Jane Doe in her office

The Rise of “Ruth’s Ghosts”

Your latest project, “Ruth’s Ghosts,” has taken the film industry by storm. Tell us about the inspiration behind the series.

Jane Doe: “Ruth’s Ghosts” is a passion project that combines my interests in feminist themes, legal drama, and the supernatural. The idea came from reflecting on the ongoing debate around abortion rights and the emotional complexities families face when grappling with such divisive issues.”

Navigating the Supernatural and Legal Genres

How do you balance the supernatural elements with the legal thriller aspects in the series?

Jane Doe: Blending these genres has been both challenging and enlightening. The supernatural acts as a symbolic portrayal of the main character’s inner turmoil, while the legal drama provides a real-world context for the emotional struggles of the characters.

Thought-Provoking Question

If you could have any ghost from history apear and weigh in on a modern-day issue, which ghost would you choose and what issue would you like them to confront?

Jane Doe: That’s a engaging question! I’d love to see the ghost of Susan B. Anthony visiting a modern-day anti-voting rights rally. Her fiery speeches and unyielding determination for women’s rights could definately spark some thought-provoking conversations in today’s political climate.