Governor Samuel García Sepúlveda has faced accusations as a result of the last electoral process, from which he emerged victorious as the first president emanated from MC in Nuevo León, for allegedly benefiting during the campaigns of the triangulation of resources and illegal financing that included his mother and brothers and sisters. Now carry other signs.
Mexico City, January 4 (However) .– The Governor of Nuevo León Samuel García is linked to an alleged network of real estate dispossession —which also would have incurred in other crimes such as money laundering— whose legal representation shares a domicile with the two companies indicated for having irregularly contributed resources to the president of Citizen Movement (MC), denounced the businessman Raymundo Ramírez Pompa, who has taken the case before the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), the Tax Administration Service (SAT), and what do you want Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) attract investigations by pointing out that the local prosecutor’s office and the state judiciary are in collusion.
“The Governor of the state of Nuevo León, Samuel García, is insurmountably involved in these crimes and the situation facing the state of Nuevo León in the area of justice administration is serious because they are operating as a criminal organization. And we are going to continue insisting because the same Law imposes certain restrictions on that power of attraction (by the FGR), but it is the only way that justice can be done, as long as the Federation does not attract all these complaints that we are presenting, it will not be it is going to be able ”, accused Ramírez Pompa, businessman of the real estate sector, in an interview with SinEmbargo.
This media contacted the Nuevo León Social Communication office to find out its position in the face of the businessman’s accusations. Raymundo Ramirez Pompa, but until press time he had no comment.
Governor Samuel García Sepúlveda has faced accusations as a result of the last electoral process, from which he emerged victorious as the first president emanated from MC in Nuevo León, for allegedly benefiting during the campaigns of the triangulation of resources and illegal financing that included his mother and brothers through companies Law Firm and Tax Lawyers SC and Accounting and Tax Firm Contadores y Financieros SC., that according to Raymundo Ramírez Pompa, they share a domicile with the legal apparatus of a net of dispossession, in which Carlos Eduardo Mendoza Cano, current head of the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), served as a lawyer, a position in which he was placed by the orange president, and that according to the businessman has also incurred in other crimes such as money laundering.
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The businessman Raymundo Ramírez Pompa. Photo: Special.
This scheme put García Sepúlveda in the sights of the FGR following the National Electoral Institute (INE) confirmed that he financed his campaign with this illegal scheme of triangulation of resources. The president has dismissed the accusations by indicating that neither in his life nor in his campaign “there is any irregularity.”
However, according to businessman Raymundo Ramírez Pompa, the Governor and the main institutions of the State in Nuevo León are involved in a system of dispossession, in which a network claims to be the owner of some properties and through the alleged collusion of the Judicial Power They take the cases to court to be made illegally of these. According to the same accusation, the now head of the Nuevo León FIU, Carlos Eduardo Mendoza Cano, went from working in the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office to representing these fraudulent companies.
“Some of the crimes they commit are trying to steal or appropriate real estate, which later result in crimes such as tax fraud, money laundering and many other crimes. As I have been repeating, it is just one of the areas where the government of the state of Nuevo León operates criminally, “accused Raymundo Ramírez Pompa.
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Samuel García, candidate for governor of Nuevo León and the National Leader of the Citizen Movement, Senator Dante Delgado, offered a press conference last May clarifying that the accusations regarding the management of his campaign have no basis. Photo: Cuartoscuro.
In September 2021, businessman Raymundo Ramírez filed a complaint with the SAT and the FIU of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), in which he accused businessman Emilio Tancredi – with whom he has had other legal disputes for alleged real estate fraud – His parents, José Tancredi Martínez and María Graciela Flores Maynes, among other friends and relatives, of showing off as owners of various properties by exhibiting false documents and purchase-sale contracts, in cases that were later defended in court by Carlos Mendoza Cano, a former attorney general. of the State and current holder of the Nuevo León FIU.
“From there they begin to work together, organizing and coordinating with the Prosecutor’s Office, with the control judges and with this criminal group that commits the crimes in that group,” said Ramírez Pompa, who said that part of the modus operandi of this supposed network is to present multiple complaints before the State Attorney General’s Office in which they alleged ownership of the real estate. “The only purpose they are to do is overwhelm you with hearings and stationery, later that is where the Judiciary comes in with the control judges and the state’s oral and criminal trial judges.”
Ramírez Pompa pointed out that only in his case they intend to deprive him of properties valued at 500 million pesos and another 500 million pesos from people to whom he has already sold various properties. In his complaint to the federal authorities, he reported a simulated donation of a house among the members of said family and subsequent sale of it for 3.9 million dollars, regarding 78 million pesos, to avoid paying taxes and hide the source of resources. He accused that in these operations they had the advice of the lawyer Mendoza Cano, whom he pointed out of participating in the dispossession of one of his properties.
“Carlos Mendoza Cano when they secure my properties in an illegal way because the Prosecutor’s Office and the prosecutors do not have those powers, he was director of the Prosecutor’s Office, being director of the Prosecutor’s Office, he insured my properties. He leaves the Prosecutor’s Office to be the lawyer for the criminals who falsely denounced me, ”assured businessman Raymundo Ramírez.
Ramírez Pompa even indicated that Carlos Mendoza falsified documents, notary public records, contracts. “I am one of the hundreds of victims, fortunately I have had the knowledge and resources to defend myself and unfortunately I have had to face it. […] because not many people dare and there are hundreds of victims ”.
In that sense, he expressed that they have already contacted the FGR to ask for the power of attraction since – in his opinion – “when the State Attorney General’s Office, the Judiciary and the Executive Branch, who is going to act once morest them because they are crimes of the common jurisdiction, it is not easy for the Federation to raise the issue? “
“We have months in communication and working with federal authorities so that precisely they are the ones who attract the power of attraction, because it is a mockery, it disrupts human dignity, the fact that you have to file a lawsuit when an official of the State Attorney’s Office You commit an abuse of authority, or a violation of your constitutional guarantees or your human rights, you have to go to the Prosecutor’s Office to file a complaint, and if a control judge also violates your constitutional guarantees or your human rights and you want to file a complaint, you have to going to the judiciary is absurd, they make fun of you and laugh at you in your face, “he said.