Vladislav teachers-were-fooled-in-the-name-of-putin-and-nato-you-will-also-laugh-at-the-truth-world/” title=”Russian teachers were fooled in the name of Putin and NATO, you will also laugh at the truth – World”>Bokhan, a blogger and prankster from Belarus, fooled school teachers with Russia in the name of Russian President Putin and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). You will also laugh knowing the truth.
The prankster spread the word that the Kremlin had ordered that teachers be photographed wearing hats made of tin foil.
This blogger is a staunch opponent of the Kremlin’s policies. Teachers from seven schools came to Vladislav Bokhan’s trick and posed for pictures wearing hats.
A report in The Times said Bukhan had written letters to schools in the Voronezh region on behalf of President Vladimir Putin’s party, urging teachers to wear ‘helmets of the fatherland’, warning them of NATO’s nefarious ambitions. will protect from