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What are the⁣ potential downsides of dairy‌ consumption ‍according to‌ Dotsie Bausch?

## Cycling Champion Takes ⁣on Dairy Industry

**Host:** ‍Welcome back to ‌the show. Today we’re joined by Olympian Dotsie ⁣Bausch, who’s not ‌only claimed gold on the‍ track but also become a vocal advocate for a dairy-free lifestyle. Dotsie, welcome to the program.

**Dotsie:** Thanks for having me!

**Host:** Your organization, Switch4Good, aims to educate ⁣athletes and the public about the potential downsides of dairy. What sparked your passion for this cause?

**Dotsie:** After my Olympic journey, I started experiencing some‌ health issues. Through ⁤research and experimentation, I discovered a direct link between my dairy consumption and my symptoms.⁢ It was a⁤ revelation! I realized the dairy industry often presents a rosy picture, but ⁣the truth is more‍ complex.

**Host:** You’re suggesting that dairy might not be the nutritional powerhouse it’s often portrayed to be?

**Dotsie:** That’s ⁤right. There‌ are ‌ethical and environmental concerns as well. I believe athletes, who are role models for many, have a responsibility to⁤ be transparent about their choices and the information available.

**Host:** This is bound to spark debate. Some people will argue dairy is essential for bone health and​ calcium intake. How do you respond to⁤ that?

**Dotsie:** There are plenty of plant-based sources of calcium and other nutrients found in dairy. It’s about making informed choices and ⁣exploring alternatives.‌ We ​need ⁣an open conversation, not just accepting what we’ve always been told.

⁣ **Host:** Do you think the sporting world is receptive to this message?

**Dotsie:** I’m seeing a shift. More ​and more⁣ athletes are questioning traditional norms and‍ embracing plant-based diets. The conversation is definitely starting.

**Host:** Dotsie Bausch, thank you for sharing your insights. [[1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mv_u7rrO1z0)]

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