‘Ok’ doctor to the child psychiatry training plan

Celso Arango, Gemma Ochando and Fernando Chacón.

The public consultation initiated by the Ministry of Health on the decree establishing the training programs of Psychiatry and the new specialty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry they have not been the subject of any allegation by the medical specialties that comprise it. Regarding the second specialty, both from the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP) and from the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) and the General College of Psychology have not wanted to hinder a process of which they have been a part and which they want to see completed as soon as possible.

So they have assured Medical Writing scientific societies, which might have presented arguments to the public consultation initiated by the Ministry of Health. It is the case of Gemma Ochando Peralesmember of the Society of Child Psychiatry of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), who assures that “the company has not made any allegation to avoid delaying the implementation of the decree”. An opinion shared by Celso Arangopresident of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP), who expresses “the desire that the decree of the training program of the new specialty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry They should get out as soon as possible.”

Objective of MIR vacancies for 2023 in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The professional area of ​​psychologists has also ruled out submitting allegations to the creation of the new discipline. The General Council of Colleges of Psychology has received this division as something “positive” to improve health care, although he has taken advantage of the context to demand that the same be done with his sector. Your Vice President, Fernando Chaconhas warned that it is “urgent” to accelerate the launch of a branch of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology to complement the service to patients. “What we ask is that at the same time it also moves,” she pointed out.

The creation of this new discipline in the training of Psychology has been reflected in the allegations that the Council has raised to the Child Guarantee Plan 2022-2030 that the Ministry of Social Policies will travel to Brussels to try to raise community funds, as you have been able to know Medical Writing. It will be in this forum that the new division will be requested, as well as another battery of proposals to raise the ratios of professionals or provide coverage to young people in vulnerable situations.

The objective of the document is to approve and publish the training programs of the new specialty, as well as the accreditation requirements of the multiprofessional teaching units of Mental health. “An advance that allows us to maintain the psychiatry vacancies already existing and more are added thanks to the new specialty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”, according to the president of the SEP, the aforementioned Celso Arango. Likewise, the specialist emphasizes “his joy” at the approval of the new specialty and adds that “the next step is that call for places comes out for the year 2023″.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any questions related to health be consulted with a health professional.

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