A widow discovered that the alcove that housed her husband’s ashes was empty. The funeral directors are in shock. Complaint has been filed.
© dra
The urn rested in this wing of the columbarium, at the funeral center of Saint-Georges.
“It’s despicable,” says Mireille, her eyes misty. On March 28, while going to flower the tomb of her husband who died two years ago, the fifty-year-old realized that the funeral urn was no longer in its place, in the columbarium of Saint-Georges. “With my current partner, we noticed that the sliding plate was not sealed. We found it weird, we lifted it a little bit, then I slipped my hand into the box and wanted to “caress” my husband in a way. But it was empty. Amazement of the widow and anger of her friend: “It’s a sacrilege!”
Cause of flight unknown
“I only ask one thing: that the person who stole the urn restore it to me, my husband deserves to rest in peace, murmurs Mireille. Or else, if someone has scattered the ashes, that I know where, to continue to meditate. But why such a theft? The Genevan, who filed a complaint, is lost in conjecture. “Malice? Known in the canton in the middle of the automobile, my husband was very appreciated. Ransom? I haven’t received a request. I do not understand.”
A first
The Funeral Service confirms the disappearance of the urn and specifies that “those deposited in the boxes nearby were still in place”. Taken aback, he admits that “this is the first time we have been faced with such a situation”. Located in the gardens of the Saint-Georges cemetery, the columbarium does not benefit from any particular supervision and the heavy plaques are in fact not sealed there.
“The formal responsibility of the Service is not engaged”, underlines its head, Anne Humbert-Droz. However, she hopes that the urn will be found: “We can only deplore this deeply shocking event for the family.”