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The Post and Electronic Communications Regulatory Agency (Arpce) has published the first quarter 2022 report for the postal sector. During this period, the total income relating to the provision of the postal service amounts to 484,919,642 FCFA.
The report for the first quarter of 2022 of the Congolese postal service was published by theRegulatory agency posts and electronic communications (Arpce). It covers statistical data collected from thirteen (13) of the fifteen (15) operators holding licenses issued by the national regulator. The turnover in this report is that achieved by private postal operators in the mail and express parcels in the 1st quarter of this year, indicated the Arpce. It amounts to 484,919,642 FCFA for a total traffic of 15,145 objects collected, transported and distributed across the country and abroad. National traffic in terms of mail amounts to 14,551,369; parcels at 28,055,793, making a total of 42,607,162. International traffic: mail (158,204,972); parcels (284,107,508) for a total amount of 442,312,480 According to the report, international traffic reached more than 91% of turnover once morest just under 9% nationally. The society DHL International is the leader in terms of turnover with just over 87%. The above statistics reveal that the flow of traffic is up in the first quarter of the year 2022 compared to the first quarter of 2021 which amounted to 414,214,951 CFA francs.
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