As the Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday, Danielle Johnson warned her followers regarding the natural event last week. The woman, known as an influencer under the name Danielle Akoya, drove her car into a tree following the crime and died.
Monday’s solar eclipse was a huge spectacle for millions of people in North America. In an hour and a half, the astronomical event passed over parts of Mexico, 15 US states and Canada, darkening the sky.
“Epitome of Spiritual Warfare”
Johnson had previously written on the online service X that the natural event was the “epitome of spiritual warfare.” “Protect yourselves and have your heart in the right place. It’s obvious that the world is changing. If you’ve ever had to choose a side, now is the time to do the right thing.”
According to the newspaper report, the police found the body of Johnson’s partner in the apartment they shared. He was stabbed in the heart. The investigators assume that the influencer killed the 29-year-old and then drove away with her daughters in her car early Monday morning.
Children pushed out of the car
According to the report, while driving on a highway, she probably pushed her nine-year-old and eight-month-old daughters out of the car. Only the nine-year-old daughter survived. Immediately followingwards, Johnson crashed her car into a tree at a speed of 100 miles per hour.
There are numerous prophecies of doom regarding natural events such as a solar eclipse, for which, according to researchers, there is no evidence.

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