By organizing Wednesday April 17, 2024 in Libreville, the first edition of Forestry Women’s Day on the occasion of Gabonese National Women’s Day, under the theme: “women at the heart of the forestry economy”, the Ministry of Water and Forests, honored women for their decisive involvement in the sustainable management of forest resources.
“By choosing this theme, our Administration wants not only to honor women in the forest-timber sector but above all to draw the attention of the national and even international community to the crucial role that they play alongside men, in the sustainable management of forest resources, preservation of the environment, conservation of biodiversity and the socio-economic development of our country”, indicated in his speech General Maurice Ntossui Allogo, Minister of Water and Forests.
During this day, several themes were discussed at the Ministry of Water and Forests. Communications to educate women regarding their condition within society. According to official statistics, the largest share of inactive people is made up of women (53.9%) compared to 46.1%) for men.
For the Secretary General of the Ministry of Water and Forests, Paméla Marylène Singatady Epse Nyama, “women today have become aware of their role and forestry women in particular want to play a role, want to reaffirm their place in the economy, particularly in the forest economy and contribute more to the national GDP”.
In addition to conferences, the celebration of Forest Women’s Day was the perfect opportunity for them to engage in sporting activities (fitness and football) to strengthen the links between administration officials and ordinary agents. Links which were once execrable following the bad governance of the former Minister, Lee White, who was constantly accused by the social partners of slavery.
Camille Boussoughou

2024-04-17 17:20:03
#Gabonese #women #honored #involvement #sustainable #management #forest #resources