“Doujin Special Attack 2” PC cross-platform battle is forced to close auxiliary aiming, and new console players are dissatisfied | 4Gamers

The free-to-play Overwatch 2 took center stage for shooters around the world this month, with DDoS, queuing or disconnection, or hero bugs, new console players suffered another The unpleasant experience was that when they joined a PC cross-platform match, their controller aim assist didn’t work, much to their dissatisfaction.

As early as June 2021,Blizzard implements “Douzhen Special Attack” cross-platform online battleAt that time, there were some related measures for the battle between PC players and host players, including that cross-platform does not support point battles, and following the host and PC players team up, they can only be paired with PC platform players, and cannot be paired to the host platform.

What’s more, as a console controller player, if you choose to cross-play once morest a PC player, your controller aim assist will be forced off, which is not the same as the current “Apex Heroes” or “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare” settings are quite different.


Due to the free listing of “Doujin Special Attack 2” to attract more new players to join, some console players have also discovered this regulation recently. The player who initiated the issue believes that the cross-platform cancellation of auxiliary aiming has caused him to be unable to interact with his friends on the home console. Enjoy the game together.

This topic caused a topic in the Reddit forum. In addition to complaining regarding Blizzard’s policy of disabling auxiliary aiming, the discussion area also began to move out of the fairness debate between keyboard and mouse and handle auxiliary aiming once more.

In fact, the fairness of the assisted aiming between the keyboard, mouse and controller has become a common topic of debate in the shooting game circle. The mainstream opinion of PC players is that the assisted aiming of the controller is too powerful, while the opinion of the console players is that the assisted aiming is too powerful. It still takes a long time to practice to master, so there are arguments for all schools.

There are also many videos overseas that verify the performance of “assisted aiming”. For PC players, the visual locking effect of auxiliary aiming is very obvious, but for console players, the correct micro-control of the joystick is the key.

Although the overseas community has sparked discussions, the fact that cross-platform assisted aiming is turned off is a fact that “Battle Strike 2” has become an established rule last year. It is still unknown whether the Blizzard team will re-examine this rule due to players’ appeal. At this stage, if the host player wants to enable assisted aiming, it can only be achieved with the host player who is also using the controller.

Heroes shooter Overwatch 2 is available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC Battle.net and more.

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