Democratic Progressive Party Expels Lin Yuhong: Latest News and Updates

2023-10-06 10:03:20

2023/10/06 18:03

The Taoyuan City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party held a joint meeting of the executive committee, co-chaired by chairperson Zhang Chengyi and convener of the committee Lin Jianzong, and decided to expel “Lin Bay Good Oil” moderator Lin Yuhong from the party and be barred from joining the party within 5 years. (Provided by the Party Department)

[Reporter Xie Wuxiong/Taoyuan Report]]”Lin Bay Good Oil” moderator Lin Yuhong was suspected of directing and acting in an incident of intimidation. Since Lin Yuhong is a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, the Taoyuan City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party held a joint meeting of the executive committee at 2 pm today By expelling Lin Yuhong from the party, the party headquarters will send out the ruling next Wednesday. If Lin Yuhong has any objections, he must raise objections within 15 days of the date of mailing. After the expulsion takes effect, Lin Yuhong will not be allowed to apply to join the party for 5 years.

The Taoyuan City Party Headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party held a joint meeting of the executive committee at 2 p.m., and more than half of the executive members and review members attended the meeting. Among them, Lin Yuhong’s party membership is the 4th case. First, the chairman Zhang Chengyi convened the executive committee meeting, and all the executive committee members had no objections. After passing the expulsion case, Lin Jianzong, the convener of the review committee, convened the review committee. All review members also unanimously agreed to expel Lin Yuhong from the party. The party headquarters will send the ruling next Wednesday.

Zhang Chengyi said that Lin Yuhong admitted that the intimidation case was self-directed and staged, but in the apology post, he showed off his DPP party card, which made the public suspect that it was a planned operation, causing the public to have a bad impression of the DPP. Due to the expulsion case It must be approved by the executive committee before being sent to the evaluation committee for review. In view of the fact that this case is a case that attracts public attention, the Municipal Party Committee convened the executive committee and then held the evaluation committee consecutively. After attending the executive committee and evaluation committee members, they decided to expel him from the party for 5 years in accordance with regulations. He is not allowed to join the party once more.

Zhang Chengyi said that Lin Yuhong joined the party online on March 6, 2020. According to the party membership regulations, Lin Yuhong’s household registration is in Taoyuan City, so he belongs to the Taoyuan City Party Headquarters, and the party dues will be paid until 2022. Since the online application to join the party only needs to check whether he has committed a crime For the record, it remains to be discussed whether the verification mechanism will be improved in the future. We just hope that the incident will end as soon as possible and give an explanation to the public. As of now, the Party Headquarters has not received Lin Yuhongnan’s statement of quitting the party. Therefore, in order to implement party discipline, it has been sent to the Municipal Party Committee. The executive committee and the evaluation committee will conduct the evaluation.

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