Darts Premier League in Berlin: German duel without German players | Sports

Whoa, was something going on!

Darts time in Germany! The Premier League, the elite invitational league of the darts association PDC, stops in Berlin. Thousands of fans flock to the Mercedes-Benz Arena to shout, sing and – also drink.

It’s the German darts event of the year!

Pyro Torches & Square Storm Bad riots in handball

Actually, there is no German player at all. Gabriel Clemens, Germany’s best, was not invited to the league. Also present: World Champion Michael Smith, Michael van Gerwen, Peter Wright, Gerwyn Price, Chris Dobey, Dimitri van den Bergh, Jonny Clayton and Nathan Aspinall.

And yet the German fans are amazed: there is a German duel!

How is that possible?

Wright and Price each wear a white jersey full of Germany accents in their game! Price has flames in black, red and gold on his jersey, Wright wears the colors on his stomach.

Peter Wright on BILD: “The German fans are totally enthusiastic regarding darts and that’s why we decided on this outfit, as a kind of thank you. That not only applies to me, but also to the other players.”

On social media, fans are freaking out. No one really expected that.

The approximately 10,000 fans in the Mercedes-Benz Arena are also over the moon. Darts fan Paul from Berlin to BILD: “Finally we can cheer for a German darts hero.”

That’s right – at least as far as the outfit is concerned…

Interesting: Shortly following his defeat by Smith, van den Bergh puts on his street jacket, says goodbye to the employees and disappears into the Berlin night with a paper bag.

That only exists in darts!

The Mercedes-Benz Arena was well filled

Foto: picture alliance/dpa

Premier League – The results at a glance


Michael Smith vs. Dimitri Van den Bergh 6:3

Nathan Aspinall vs. Chris Dobey 6:4

Johnny Clayton vs. Michael van Gerwen 6:5

Gerwyn Price vs. Peter Wright 6:3


Michael Smith vs. Nathan Aspinall 6:4

Jonny Clayton vs. Gerwyn Price 6:4


Jonny Clayton vs. Michael Smith 6:4

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