Danya Milokhin confessed to his own illiteracy

The young tiktoker admitted that he was ready to work on his speech.

Danya Milokhin. Photo: globallookpress.ru

Danya Milokhin he confessed to his own illiteracy. The young ticktocker agreed that the inability to maintain a conversation makes him uncomfortable. However, he is ready to learn from professionals, but not to devote time to studying books.

“I probably have a complex because of my illiteracy. I understand perfectly well that I can’t speak, but I don’t want to learn. More precisely, I want to learn this by communicating with people who can do it. It’s much more interesting than sitting and reading books,” said tiktoker in the show “Detector».

On the TV channel “Friday!” the premiere of the show “Detector” took place. Alex Reed stars answer 21 provocative questions from host Mark Barton. Who lies twice is eliminated from the project. In the first issue, the star of Comedy Woman was questioned Natalia Medvedeva and tiktoker Danya Milokhin.

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