causes, treatment, how to treat it?

Sciatica is characterized by pain in the lower back that can extend to the foot, passing through the buttock, thigh and leg. Causes, truncated sciatica, treatment… How to treat it?

Definition: what is sciatica?

Sciatica (more commonly called sciatica) characterized by “sharp pain in the lower limb along the path of the sciatic nerve, explains back surgeon Nicolas Barut. This pain is a symptom ofCompression, irritation, or damage to the sciatic nervefrom L5 or S1 nerve roots. Sciatica is therefore the symptom of a pathology.

What is the difference between sciatica and sciatica?

It’s the same thingsays the back surgeon, this is a misuse of language“Sciatica is an umbrella term that describes any pain affecting this nerve,”sciatica is pain along the path of the sciatic nerve“.

What causes sciatica?

The main cause of compression is at the level of the lumbar spine with compression of the L5 or S1 rootsthe sciatic nerve arises from these two roots“, explains Nicolas Barut. The most common causes of sciatica are:

  • herniated disc
  • The narrow lumbar canal
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • osteoarthritis
Diagram of sciatica © VectorMine – / Journal of Women’s Health

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

The main symptom of sciatica is sharp pain in the lower limb. It can extend from the lower back to the toes through the thigh and buttock“, explains the surgeon. Sciatica can affect one or both lower limbs. Other symptoms are:

  • electric shock sensations
  • tingling
  • muscle numbness
  • loss of muscle tone”.

Despite the pain, the leg keeps a normal appearance, without swelling or color change. Sciatica is a symptom, behind this pain hides a pathology that will have to be detected with a health professional.

What is truncated sciatica?

Some patients may feel partial pain affecting the back of the thigh or the bottom of the buttock only, this is called truncated sciatica. This is a description of pain that affects part of the sciatic nerve.

There is no need for imaging to make a diagnosis of sciaticareports the doctor, when the patient feels pain in the buttock or leg, it is sciatica“. Imaging examinations, in particular l’IRMhelp to find the cause of sciatica.

What is the treatment to relieve sciatica?

“You have to give yourself time first.explains the back surgeon, if the sciatica does not lead to motor deficit, the patient should contact his general practitioner if the pain persists following a few days“. The GP may prescribe pain medicationif however the pain persists despite the treatment, the patient will have to pass a lumbar MRI to identify the cause of sciatica and be prescribed infiltrations“, reports Nicolas Barut. Rest is not always the solutionwarns the surgeon, you have to stay active as much as possible and maintain a healthy lifestyle“. Last resort, “if medical treatment fails, surgery may be consideredbut always at the request of the patient”says Nicolas Barut.

Thanks to Doctor Nicolas Barut, spine surgeon at the Institut Parisien du Dos.

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