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The earnings of banks that operate in our country, continue to rise. In February, profits reached $447,201 million (US$555 million), which implies an advance of 3.62% compared to January, and 28.02% compared to twelve months ago, which is mainly explained by a higher margin interest and net commission income, as detailed by the CMF.
In the first two months, bank earnings amounted to $870,075 (US$1,081 million)
As for profits attributable to owners, these amount to $842,234 as of February of this year. The Chile bank remains in the lead with earnings of $189,683, followed by Santander Bank with $167,926, and in third place appears State Bank with $117,667.
As reported by the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF) in its monthly report, placements registered an advance of 2.59% in twelve months, below the 3.11% of the previous month.
“This result was explained by the growth of all portfolios. However, compared to January, the lower expansion was due to the variation in 12 months of commercial loans, of 0.40%, and of mortgage loans, of 5.65%; both being located below the growth exhibited the previous month of 0.95% and 6.16%, respectively”, explained the CMF
Likewise, an expansion of consumer loans was also observed for the third consecutive month, reaching 3.59% in twelve months, higher than the advance of 2.44% in January and 0.62% registered in December of last year.
Finally, the agency indicated that in terms of credit risk “the indicators presented a mixed behavior in the month, however, the consumer portfolio registered an increase in all its coefficients, while in housing the indicators did not register variation with respect to the last month”.