Apple Music releases Replay 2024 with its musical retrospective of the year

Apple Music releases Replay 2024 with its musical retrospective of the year

2024-12-03 12:31:00
Apple Music releases Replay 2024 with its musical retrospective of the yearApple Music Replay” style=”margin: auto;margin-bottom: 5px;max-width: 100%” />

After much anticipation, today the Apple Music Replay 2024a compilation of the songs, artists, albums and playlists and genres most played by each user of the platform.

Available only in the browser, Replay displays each of this information at the top in a summarized format in stories (which can be shared in both images and videos) with the main highlights.

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Complete with a soundtrack corresponding to the songs and artists shown, the highlights also show some curious information, such as whether you were among the top listeners of an artist.

Apple Music Replay

Just below, there is a panel with sections that contain more detailed information for each category (such as albums, artists and songs) and display the 15 most played in each of them.

Apple Music Replay

Taking advantage of the fact that this was the first year with the release of monthly Replay, Apple also released the top artists, songs and albums by month — obviously, with the month of December still empty.

Apple Music Replay

The panel also has the most listened to playlists, stations and genres, as well as the musical milestones reached in the year and comparisons of the results of 2024 in relation to those of 2023.

Apple Music Replay

Of course, there is also the disclosure of playlist Replay 2024 with the 100 most listened to songs. It is worth remembering that this is made available at the beginning of the year and will be shaped over the months.

Apple Music has a catalog of more than 100 million songs and 30 thousand playlists — many of them supporting Spatial Audio (Dolby Atmos) and in very high definition, with audio Lossless. For those who love classical music, there is a dedicated app with over 5 million tracks, all in a simplified interface! In Brazil, there are three types of subscription: University (R$11.90/month), Individual (R$21.90/month) and Family (R$34.90/month). If you are not a subscriber, You can test the service for free for one month. It is also part of the company’s subscription package, Apple One.

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* Can Apple Music Replay be accessed ‌through the mobile app?

## Apple​ Music Replay Feature Highlights

**Host:** ⁤Welcome back to Tech Talk. Today we have music industry expert, Sarah ​Jones, joining us to discuss ⁢Apple Music’s ‍newest feature, Replay 2024. ‌Sarah,‌ thanks for being here.

**Sarah:** Thank you for having me!

**Host:** So, ‍tell us, what exactly ​is⁤ Apple ‍Music Replay?

**Sarah:** It’s a personalized music summary for each Apple Music subscriber, similar to Spotify Wrapped. It ‍shows users their most ‌listened to songs,⁢ artists, albums, genres, and even playlists throughout the entire year.

**Host:** That‌ sounds really cool! ⁤What are some of the key features ‍you think ‌users will enjoy?

**Sarah:**‍ Well, ⁢it’s more than just lists. Replay ​presents your listening history in a visually engaging format with stories and summaries you can share ‍on⁣ social media. ‍This year, it even includes ⁤monthly breakdowns for a detailed look at your musical journey throughout 2024. The “Top 100 Replay” playlist is another fun addition, allowing users to revisit their most-played ​songs.

**Host:** That’s a⁣ great way to‍ remember all the bops that got us through the year! Is Replay ⁤only available on the app?

**Sarah:** Not exactly. ⁣As of right now, Replay 2024 can only⁢ be accessed ⁤through the Apple Music website on your browser.

**Host:** Interesting. Thanks for ⁢the rundown, Sarah. I’m ​already excited ‍to see what my Apple Music Replay looks like!

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