Am-dram Alien documentary comes to TV as ‘unintentional pantomime’ | Documentary films

Am-dram Alien documentary comes to TV as ‘unintentional pantomime’ | Documentary films

From Dorset’s Dome to the London Stage:

The Story of Alien, the Bus Driver Edition

This Christmas, audiences will be gripped by a truly unique cinematic experience – a slightly wonky, endearingly amateur staging of Ridley Scott’s sci-fi classic, Alien.

For those craving an alternative to traditional festive fare, Alien on Stage promises an entertainingly off-kilter viewing experience. What began as a modest community theatre production in rural Dorset, featuring bus drivers, friends, and family, blossomed into a critically acclaimed documentary.

The story began with Paranoid Dramatics, a theatrical troupe with more heart than polish. Director Dave, currently in absentia, tweeted for a ship-to-shore, “ERASE and

The vanguard of this unusual project, “Alien On Stage

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The documentary, a testament to the company, has captivated audiences at film festivals across the globe, and is now available on Apple TV+, Prime Video, and streaming services in the US and Canada.

Kummer and Harvey, embarked on this documentary journey after stumbling upon

geweest., “We were so convinced by what we saw,” they shared.

The Wild Ride of

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It’s not only


And what a story it is


The result? A


the local community centre with a 430-seat theater in London.

Their production company, “How to be

they said.


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