The Hinsenkampplatz in Linz, for example, has been a weapons ban zone since 2019: passers-by there are not allowed to have a knife with them, but also no other objects that “serve to commit violence once morest people”. As reported, the notorious Reumannplatz in Vienna-Favoriten was declared a prohibited zone at the end of March in order to prevent serious violent crimes.
According to Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (VP), a ban on weapons will in future apply nationwide in all public spaces: in local areas, in settlements, parks and sports facilities, on public transport, at events and the like. As announced, Karner has had his own “law banning the carrying of knives” drawn up.
Anyone who pockets a knife in public despite the ban risks an administrative fine of up to 3,600 euros or a prison sentence of up to six weeks. Similar to what is already the case in weapons ban zones, law enforcement officers will in future be given the authority to search people’s clothing, bags and vehicles if, based on “a concrete indication or certain facts, there is a strong suspicion” that the knife ban is being violated.
Media reports yesterday caused confusion that in the future passers-by would no longer be allowed to have a pocket knife in their trouser pockets. The Interior Ministry then clarified that knives whose blades can only be opened with two hands are not subject to the ban. Transporting a knife from A to B is still permitted, but it must not be “ready to hand” but must be stored in a separate container. The ministry made it clear yesterday that new goods are usually packaged anyway and are therefore not ready to hand.
Exception for the maintenance of customs
Holders of a gun ownership card and people who are allowed to carry a firearm – such as hunters and members of the armed forces – are exempt from the knife ban. Another exception to the ban on carrying knives is the “maintenance of customs”: knives and daggers may be worn together with the associated costume or uniform. As an example of this, so-called “deer trappers” with a blade length of at least 20 centimeters were mentioned yesterday.
Another exception is professional practice, such as electricians, who carry a Stanley knife with them. The use of normal cutlery in the hospitality industry or on barbecue areas also remains permitted. The Boy Scouts are also allowed to carry knives for “recognized educational purposes.”

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