Prevent dual function of TNI/Polri, Commission II: Tighten ASN Position Requirements – 2024-03-17 22:56:46

Prevent dual function of TNI/Polri, Commission II: Tighten ASN Position Requirements
 – 2024-03-17 22:56:46
Aminurokhman. (Dokpri)

A draft Government Regulation (RPP) regarding the Management of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which is currently being drafted by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform has given rise to a polemic regarding TNI/Polri positions. The requirements for ASN positions to be filled by the TNI/Polri will be tightened so as not to give the impression of a return to the dual function of ABRI as happened during the New Order era.

Member of Commission II DPR RI from the NasDem Party Fraction, Aminurokhman, said that the debate regarding ASN positions might be filled by TNI/Polri Law (UU) Number 20 of 2023 concerning ASN. Therefore, he said, a rule was formulated that the TNI/Polri might only fill certain positions and at the request of ministries and institutions.

“If there are no internal resources within the ASN that have competence in that field then this will be permitted, whether from the National Police or the TNI. So there is no impression that the ASN’s career, which has started from the bottom up and is at the top of its career, has no chance because it is filled with elements TNI/Polri,” said Aminurokhman when contacted, Sunday (17/3).

Aminurokhman added that the discussion of the RPP on ASN management between Commission II and the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform had not yet entered into substantive matters. He emphasized that this RPP will be regulated more strictly for the requirements for placement of ASN positions filled by the TNI/Polri.

He does not want the space created by the placement of the TNI/Polri in civilian positions to revive ABRI’s dual function under the pretext of competence. Through this deployment, the TNI/Polri will no longer only carry out their main duties as a means of state defense and security, but also other administrative and socio-political work.

“ASN career management is meritocratic, a matter of ability and expertise. If there are already people, there is no reason why the ministry/institution can place the TNI/Polri in that position. For this reason, it has been tightened and formulated in this RPP so that the concerns of many parties regarding returning to dual functions can be minimized,” ” said Aminurokhman. (Z-2)

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