Natural Ways to Detoxify and Remove Heavy Metals from Your Body

2023-09-30 09:50:00

Heavy metals are found everywhere, and their leakage into the body has many health consequences and even leads to poisoning. How can we get rid of these toxins?

Even if humans have been exposed to toxic substances for a long time, according to Stephane Teart, who gives lectures and conferences on the subject of removing these toxins in a natural way, he says: “Today we live in a world in which manufacturers misuse heavy metals at the expense of public safety and serious repercussions on health.”

These heavy metals such as lead, aluminium, mercury, arsenic and cadmium… are present in our dishes, with pesticides, food additives, the water we consume, in hygiene products, and in some health treatments (dental fillings – vaccines – medicines).

Neurotoxic and carcinogenic effects

A study published in 2021, which examined the impact of French exposure to heavy metals during the period between 2014 and 2016, revealed that the French population is contaminated with toxic trace metals, and that half of them are present at a rate higher than l’Anses recommendations.

Also, other studies indicate that children in Western countries are often contaminated with more than 110 substances that are considered harmful to the brain and nervous system.

How do you get rid of heavy metals in a natural and safe way?

The first measure: Limit the entry of these toxic metals by eating organic foods, filtering tap water, avoiding scale removers that contain aluminum, and replacing dental fillings with dental composites or ceramics.

As for detoxification, we must work on the natural elimination organs, including the liver. Accordingly, we must change our diet and limit the consumption of refined fried foods, which require a lot of energy from the liver, which hinders the process of getting rid of toxins. On the other hand, it is possible to adopt a diet rich in vegetables, antioxidants, and chlorophyll, which is considered a natural detoxifier and is found in garlic, onions, and cabbage.

Likewise, Taitart stresses that getting rid of toxins also requires fasting once or twice a year, because this helps burn fat and remove heavy metals trapped in fat. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a detox diet twice a year using plants such as artichoke, black radish, and milk thistle for 20 days.

Finally, help yourself with chelated plants, which capture heavy metals and allow them to be eliminated through the liver and kidneys, such as chloryl. To quickly get rid of toxins, it is recommended to add coriander and wild garlic to your food, as they help remove toxins more quickly. If you follow this protocol, it will take a year to remove heavy metals from your body.

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