Are you kind enough?|Self-talk|Cards|Grid vocus

????️A good question will open a door for us to find the truth, and a sincere answer will connect with the true self and find the truth. I hope that I can ask questions every day so that I can reflect on myself and learn English.

open box card

I unboxed this set of question cards today. It is a question with different but related sides. The color configuration and pattern are very popular in my heart. When I was drawing cards, M also drew one out of curiosity, but following reading the question regarding his card, he told me to throw it in the trash!

The result of the discussion can only be said that the card directly asked him the defense mechanism in the deepest part of his heart. I can understand, so I quickly asked him to draw another blurry focus, otherwise my new card will be in the trash on the first day of use, a little sad for it.

The purpose of the card

Cards are very useful and interesting, but if you rely on them and hand your fate to a lifeless deck of cards, treating it as a fortune teller is tantamount to declaring that you don’t want to be responsible for your own life. It’s just a guide for us to see what we don’t want to see, and to develop our own strength to face the problem.

The interesting thing regarding this deck of cards is not to give answers, but to ask questions. Every simple question may have different ideas due to different time and space, and these differences may be to understand how much strength you have grown from these differences .

Are you kind enough?

Entering the topic, what I drew today is
Are you kind enough?
Are you more likely to say sorry or have it said to you ?
It’s funny because little things have happened in my life lately that make me feel like I’m a bad person and sometimes in a state of guilt. The moment I saw this question, made me laugh, as a card card, you should also blame me and laugh at me, right?!

But digging deeper, I call it a message from the angel, which can be read as “Be more confident! You’re doing everything on the right path, and you don’t need to feel sorry for yourself or needing others to feel sorry for you.” Maybe that’s why I brought home the self-confidence little book by the way yesterday!

My kindness should not be taken for granted!

My response to this question was, “I’m kind! It’s just that my kindness shouldn’t be taken for granted!” I will continue to be kind and develop the power of self-confidence!

Gay friends can also think regarding these two questions together, and see what kind of response is your inner soul giving you?

Reference / Card Soul Seeker-100 Questions for deeper Connection

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