© Photothek via Getty Images – Thomas Imo
A view of Bamako, May 2, 2016 (illustration)
This Wednesday, January 5, several political actors and associations met in Bamako at the headquarters of Parena to denounce the timetable proposed by the authorities, which provides for a 5-year extension of the transition.
With our correspondent in Bamako, Kaourou Magassa
Many organizations were present at the headquarters of Parena for this moment which was intended to be solemn and which began with a minute of silence and the singing of the national anthem, a way of showing that no one has a monopoly of patriotism in the country.
The political actors and associations were gathered to address the question of the duration of the transition, theone of the recommendations of the recently concluded National Assizes. And for Youssouf Diawara, president of the party framework, this transition should end on February 27.
A position which converges with all the organizations present and for which a return to constitutional order as quickly as possible is not negotiable. Djeiba Keita, former minister, goes even further, he who participated in the 1991 revolution sees in this project of extended chronogram the dictatorial inclinations of the transition. “ These people came by trickery and want to maintain themselves by trickery. The Malian people are standing, no one can make a dictatorship like Moussa Traoré », He declares.
A rally was also mentioned on Saturday January 8 in front of the Martyrs monument to defend democratic principles. It is also a way of demonstrating and showing the will to respect the initial transition deadlines by some Malians on the eve of the extraordinary ECOWAS summit.
Here, everyone talks regarding the risks of sanctions from the regional organization and everyone wants to avoid them because ” Mali has no solution to face sanctions ».